
This blog is 'About' a lot. More than I could adequately explain in just one page but I will try to give you the gist. This blogs name is Taking the Stairs, because as I have learned in the last 22 years there really is no elevator to success. There is no hiding from your problems and them actually going away. I have found myself hiding more times than not and let me be the first to tell you that it is not working. I am hiding from my bills, my increasing weight, my mental health, and any shot at a semi-successful future. And now I am DONE. No more hiding. I am taking the stairs from here on out, and I am going to attempt to put it all out there for everyone to see. Now how about some other stuff about me? Other than the fact that I am mental and hide a lot. ;)

My name is Stephanie Debroka, I am 22, and I live in WI with my ginormous family of 11. My family consists of my supportive boyfriend of two years, Tim, and our 3 cats; Riddle, Severus, and Ocelot, our clumsy Great Dane; Zero, our 3 snakes; Big Boss, Nagini, and Liquid, our bearded dragon; Buckbeak, and our ferret; which sadly has yet to be named, though I am pushing for Weasley, and then there is me! Somehow the 11 of us manage to fit just fine under the roof of a one bedroom apartment and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Lets dig a little deeper. I am unwell in more than one way. I have a chronic autonomic disorder that wreaks havoc on my life whenever it so chooses, I have a mental illness which keeps everyone around me on their toes, and I am (at least as far as the BMI calculator is concerned) obese. Every one of those things sucks. There is no sugar coating it. Along with sucking though, each of those things help in whatever weird way they do to make up the person that I am today. 

What I hope for this blog to be, and this is susceptible to change, is a place for me to write it out. To get my feeling on 'paper'. To open up and keep me accountable to myself. If someone else happens to read it at any point and can relate in any way that would just be a bonus in my eyes. This blog is about my journey to take control of my life, starting with my mental well being and physical health.

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